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Provincial Government Hiring Pause

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Sent on behalf of government

On February 25, 2025, the Crown Agencies Secretariat (CAS) sent this email and Ministry of Finance memo to public sector organizations. CSSEA is sharing this communication for broad sectoral awareness and to provide additional context from PSEC.  

While government is requesting that public sector employers honour the spirit and intent of the Public Service hiring pause and other cost-saving measures, members are assured that the hiring pause is not intended to apply to front-line positions delivering core services. Government also emphasizes that this is not considered to be “direction,” rather, it is meant to underscore that it considers these measures necessary to address the severity of the current economic and fiscal situation in BC and that it is important for all public sector organizations to contribute where they can. The memo provides insight into the measures being undertaken by the Public Service and should be viewed as examples.

These cost-saving measures come as government just unveiled its 2025 budget. To read highlights, please click here.