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Populating Essential Services Database

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Thank you for attending the education sessions! We hope they were helpful. CSSEA received valuable feedback from participants on the new database and have incorporated some changes we want to share with you.

Based on the feedback we received on preferences to populate the database with only 2025 proposed levels and not use 2022 Orders as a starting point, CSSEA has amended the database to allow for only the input of the 2025 information, and the part of the database associated with 2022 Orders has been de-activated.

If members have populated the database with their 2022 levels, their information is still in the database but the data now is attributed to the 2025 year. This data can be updated to develop proposals for 2025.

If members have not populated the database please do so now for 2025.

Please be sure to read these two resources: backgrounder and instruction guide before populating the database. A recording from the education sessions can be found here.

Please complete the Forms in the database no later than April 11th.

Once the Forms are completed and downloaded members are to send them to designated union representatives no later than April 11th to schedule local negotiations of levels. CSSEA will provide the union representatives contact information in an upcoming bulletin once CSSBA has advised us of who to send the employer proposals to. 

If you have any questions, please contact your CSSEA Advocate/Consultant.