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CEO Update - August 2024

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Upcoming 2025 Bargaining Feedback Webinar

CSSEA’s bargaining team representatives and I recently wrapped up a six-city tour of the province to hear issues of importance to the membership as we prepare for the next round of bargaining. Special thanks to everyone who attended and contributed to the fulsome discussion. CSSEA staff are now collating the feedback, anecdotes and stories that were shared and will incorporate common themes in our bargaining planning.

We will also be providing one more opportunity for members to contribute bargaining feedback by convening a virtual meeting for members of your leadership teams who were unable to attend an in-person session. The meeting will be held on September 4 at 9:30 am. Those wishing to attend may register here; a meeting link will be sent registrants approximately 24 hours before the session. Please note that the session is only open to participants who are excluded from the bargaining unit.

If you are unable to attend yet want to provide specific feedback, please e-mail:

2024 AGM and Conference – Final Hotel Rooms Remaining

Due to an incredible initial registration uptake, over 95% of hotel rooms available in CSSEA’s contracted room block for this year’s AGM and Conference, Fresh Perspectives, have been reserved. We encourage anyone who still requires accommodations to reserve their room at the Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel as soon as possible. In the meantime, CSSEA is monitoring the room block and will work with the hotel to add rooms if required, though any new room block will likely be at a higher rate. Members are also reminded to register for the conference before the early bird rate expires on September 10, as several sessions have limited space. I look forward to celebrating CSSEA’s 30th anniversary with you in Vancouver from October 9-11!

Local Issues Negotiations

Further to our recent notice, members have the option to renegotiate local issues under MOA #1 provided they serve notice to amend the local issues and include with the notice the specific proposals for changes sought to existing MOA’s by September 15, 2024. Should the notice and proposals not be tabled by September 15, the unaddressed provisions of the local issues MOA will automatically be renewed and will continue to apply during the term of the next collective agreement. For more information on timelines and procedures, please consult this Information Bulletin. Also, please consult your HRLR Consultant/Advocate well in advance of the September 15 deadline to finalize any proposals.

2024 Compensation and Employee Turnover Report

While the 2024 Compensation and Employee Turnover Report is past its due date, we continue to accept submissions to ensure we have a robust, accurate capture of the sector’s funding needs as we prepare for bargaining. Data compiled by Turnover Reports directly informs government’s development of the next bargaining mandate and the funding needed to support changes to the collective agreements; every submission is vitally important. I thank all of you who have already taken the time to complete your submissions. If you have any questions or require assistance on report completion, please e-mail:

Thank you for your review of this update – wishing everyone a safe and wonderful completion to these summer months.