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Finance, Research And Knowledge Management

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Finance, Research And Knowledge Management

The Finance, Research and Knowledge Management department provides costing support to the collective bargaining process, so that CSSEA and the government fully understand how much funding will be needed to implement the collective agreements, and any changes made to them in bargaining.

Collective bargaining of the three agreements will always be concluded within the global funding mandate of government. CSSEA’s global costings on collective agreement settlements are based on the data provided by members in submitting their Compensation and Employee Turnover Reports. Our legislated mandate is to ensure that government knows how much money is required to fund the collective agreement settlements and other funding commitments made at the bargaining table. The data also informs PSEC and the various funding ministries/entities so that they can plan for the necessary allocations to many service contracts within their budgets.

The Department Also Produces A Number Of Human Resource Reports Of Interest To Members. These Include:

  • Executive Director/CEO Salary Report
  • Employee Turnover Report
  • Agency Employee Turnover Report
  • Employee Turnover Report by Classification
  • Management and Excluded Salary Report
  • Social Services HR Metrics Report
  • Agency HR Metrics Report
  • Non-Union Salary Report
  • CSSEA Fact Book

To provide these reports, the department depends on members to voluntarily provide human resource data to CSSEA. The higher the participation rates of members in data collection, the more accurately CSSEA can estimate the cost pressures arising from collective bargaining for funding purposes, and the more accurately the reports can be produced. CSSEA requests its members to complete the Compensation and Employee Turnover Report on an annual basis.

The Finance, Research and Knowledge Management department also provides job classifications support to member employers. When bargaining unit jobs are created or materially changed, the new or changed jobs are evaluated under the Joint Job Evaluation Plan (JJEP) for placement on the collective agreement wage schedule.