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CSSEA’s Communications department keeps the membership connected with developments related to provincial bargaining, HRLR legislative news, research and knowledge management updates, and events. We communicate with members through a number of targeted publications, which are both e-mailed to the contacts designated by an agency’s Executive Director/CEO and posted on this website. 

people working at a conference table

Our Main Publications Include:

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Information Update

The Information Update is CSSEA’s most common publication and is used to share all general information that requires action by the membership. This includes: upcoming legislative amendments that may impact your operations, news about sectoral arbitrations and grievances, survey requests or report releases, notification of new wage grids, reminders about collective agreement implementation dates, events and registration, and the like.

CEO Update

This is a high-level communication by CSSEA’s CEO, which provides a monthly overview of CSSEA’s operations across departments. The CEO Update not only keeps members informed about what we are working on, but also provides commentary on key issues, when appropriate.

Annual Report

The primary purpose of CSSEA's Annual Report is to provide members, partners, partners and other interested parties with a detailed description of CSSEA’s financial position, strategic initatives and activities during the year. It summarises our achievements over the past year and meets our legislative reporting requirements. 

Bargaining Updates

When CSSEA is actively in bargaining, we provide brief updates on key developments at the bargaining table, but only to designated bargaining contacts. This communication is not posted publicly in order to preserve the integrity of negotiations.

AGM And Conference

CSSEA’s Communications department is also responsible for organizing the Annual General Meeting, which takes place in person and tackles yearly association business, including the selection (and potentially, election) of panel and board representatives. It is also the venue where resolutions may be proposed and discussed. The AGM takes place alongside a multi-day conference, which provides cost-effective workshops on a range of rotating HRLR topics that is appropriate for community social services leaders, from new leaders to Executive Directors and CEOs.

Community Social Services Awards Of Excellence

The BC Community Social Services Awards of Excellence sponsored by TELUS, were created in 2015 to celebrate successes in BC's publicly-funded community social services sector and to thank the incredible employees responsible for these successes.

Employees in the community social services sector play vital roles in providing care for people with physical, mental and developmental disabilities; at-risk youth; women experiencing family violence; and children who witness abuse. The creation of these awards is CSSEA’s way to acknowledge the incredible work being done in our sector.

CSSEA accepts nominations for the awards each spring and holds a luncheon during the Fall AGM and Conference to celebrate each year’s winners. Winners are selected in four categories:

Rising Star

An individual with less than five years of experience who demonstrates early success.


Someone who goes the extra mile to make a difference, not necessarily in a formal leadership role.


 An individual with more than five years of formal leadership experience who leads and mentors a team to achieve a common goal.


An ED or CEO with at least 15 years of experience who has made extraordinary contributions to the community and the sector.

Awards recipients are selected anonymously following a two-step process. This includes an initial short list selected by a CSSEA member panel, followed by one recipient from each category selected by a committee of volunteers representing the community, academia and business. Meet all our previous winners here.