Information Update
The Information Update is CSSEA’s most common publication and is used to share all general information that requires action by the membership. This includes: upcoming legislative amendments that may impact your operations, news about sectoral arbitrations and grievances, survey requests or report releases, notification of new wage grids, reminders about collective agreement implementation dates, events and registration, and the like.
CEO Update
This is a high-level communication by CSSEA’s CEO, which provides a monthly overview of CSSEA’s operations across departments. The CEO Update not only keeps members informed about what we are working on, but also provides commentary on key issues, when appropriate.
Annual Report
The primary purpose of CSSEA's Annual Report is to provide members, partners, partners and other interested parties with a detailed description of CSSEA’s financial position, strategic initatives and activities during the year. It summarises our achievements over the past year and meets our legislative reporting requirements.
Bargaining Updates
When CSSEA is actively in bargaining, we provide brief updates on key developments at the bargaining table, but only to designated bargaining contacts. This communication is not posted publicly in order to preserve the integrity of negotiations.